Mountain Christian Homeschool Co-Op

The Co-Op Papers

Student News







Claudia’s Corner

Oct 19, 2020 | Columns

written by Claudia

Introducing the High School Program

Have you ever wondered who is in the high school group of co-op and what kind of things go on in the group? Well let me tell you!

Let me introduce you to all of the high schoolers. First there is me, Claudia. I am the person that is writing this column. Next is my brother Patrick. He is definitely the class clown. Then there is Katelyn. She is the sweetest one in the class and will always help you if you need it. Next is Sophia. She is for sure the smartest one in class. Marinn, aka Mimi, is the most creative of the high schoolers. Last but not least is Kiana. She is the very musically talented worship leader. As you can read, there are not that many students in high school but I think that is a good thing because if there were more students in the class we might not be as close of friends.

Like other co-op students one of the classes high schoolers have is Science. We have done and will be doing some cool experiments. One of the experiments we are doing soon is dissecting a frog. Some people might think it is gross or some might think it is cool. I don’t really know what to think of it, haha. At first I thought the class was going to be super serious. No talking. If you get something wrong then…then…I don’t know, something bad would happen. But it’s not like that at all! Our teacher, Mr Godwin, is super nice. He is very relaxed if we get something wrong and all around it’s a great and fun class to be in!

Another class we have is Finance. Unlike some other things we typically learn in school, the things we learn in this class will stick with us our whole life. Now you may be thinking, you must need to be really good at math to do well in this class. Haha, I’m not. You may also think you have to take a bunch of financial tests. It really isn’t that complicated. You just need to know basic math and listen to what the teacher is saying. It’s pretty cool to understand what it means to have a budget, even as a teenager. If you create a budget as a teen you can have a lot of money when you get older. When I say a lot of money, I mean A LOT OF MONEY!

That is all for this edition of Claudia’s Corner. I look forward to writing something exciting next time. Cya!

high school class