Mountain Christian Homeschool Co-Op

The Co-Op Papers

Student News







Nov 10, 2020 | Prayer

written by Kailey and Shiloh

Answered Prayer Story of the Week

This week we interviewed Miss Kara and Miss Kimberly. We asked them if they had any answered prayers or if they had any times where they felt like God worked in their lives.

Mrs. Norris answered with this: “An answered prayer was just that my husband still gets to go to work. His work has not been affected by the pandemic, so we’re very thankful about that, so that’s been good.”

Mrs. Birk answered our questions with this: “Well this morning, it wasn’t really an answered prayer, but it felt like a miracle. I dropped an egg and it landed on the handle of my kitchen cabinet. Instead of hitting the floor and breaking and spilling everywhere, it just landed and cracked a little bit. I was able to still use it and I didn’t have a huge mess to clean up. I immediately was like, “Thank you, Lord” because I didn’t have enough time to waste to clean up an egg this morning. It wasn’t really an answered prayer, it was just a little bit of a miracle.

Prayer Requests

  • Praying for my brother and sister-in-law. Their son had cancer and they’re just dealing with a lot of emotions and struggling. – Mrs. Birk
  • I hope God feels good and that Carmine doesn’t have coronavirus and is doing good – Maverick
  • Praying for our country – Anonymous
  • Praying for everyone to stay healthy over the holidays. Also for precious memories to be made with our families – Mrs. Donovan

Verse Of The Day

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Philippians 4:13